January 19, 2010

i have a friend, named............

TIRTO. haha, nama ini familiar banget deh sama gue. apalagi kalo lo semua sekolah di sekolah gue, SMA 1 JAKARTA, nama ini bakal sangat sangat menjadi nama familiar. okey, for youth info, who doesn't know who tirto, oke i'll explain!

His name is Tirto Prima Putra. dia ini temen sd gue dulu di Percik. tapi waktu gue sd, gue belom kenal sama sekali sama anak ini. kenalan gapernah, ngobrol gapernah, tegur menegur gapernah, bahkan kayaknya juga dia gatau gue siapa. setelah lulus sd, gue masuk SMP 1, dia tetep dipercik kan tuh. pas lagi SMP terdengar kabar kabar dia pacaran sama temen SMP gue. terus berlalu lalu lalu, akhirnya lulus SMP tuh. pas naik SMA, gue masuk SMA 1 eeeeh ketemu lagi ternyata sama dia.

di SMA 1, anak ini eksis banget deh. dia dikenal sama orang orang. dari mulai murid, guru, staf, sampe Pak Tiahara tuh ketua kesiswaan gue. gila deh dikenal banget sama semuanya. dulu pas kelas X gue ga sekelas ama dia. sampe sekarang pas kelas XI, gue sekelas sama dia. whahahaha ketemu banyak temen percik disini, tapi gue ga kenal semua sebenarnya, hahaha. nah gue juga ga kenal tuh tadinya sama tirto tirto ini. palingan tau doang ya kan.. eh tapi lama lama lumayan kenal lah ya gara gara sekelas jadi banyak kepentingan bareng bareng. jadi sering ngobrol juga. nah yang pengen gue ceritain adalah, gue suka banget deh sama orang kayak tirto begini. bukannya suka dalam arti naksir ya, tapi gue suka aja orang kayak dia. anaknya gampang deket sama orang. blak-blakan aja apa adanya. walaupun dia ini suka ketinggian gitu kalo ngomong. gile dah dia tuh omongannya berat banget ya asal lo tau. tapi enak kalo di ajak ngomong.

dia punya cita cita jadi presiden. hm, mungkin kalo buat kebanyakan orang ya cita cita itu kayak 'hah? tinggi amat', tapi kalo bisa, ya kenapa engga gitu loh. dia emang omongan nya suka kayak presiden tau ga hahaha. tapi kayak gitu sih bagus bagus aja menurut gue.
hari ini, sekarang, gue nulis tulisan ini, karena gue lagi ngobrol sama dia. bareng Ria juga. kita bertiga lagi di Kit-Kat, suatu tempat disekolah gue depan Ruang IT. enak banget deh ya ngobrol sama anak ini. gapernah kehabisan topik. anaknya ga canggungan. hahaha asik banget punya temen kayak gini. coba aja gue temenan ama dia dari SD tuh, sayang aja kita ga kenal pas SD.. hahahaha. udah deh, gue gatau lagi mau ngomong apaan. cuma mau nyeritain tirto doang. INGET YA! gue lagi iseng aja posting ini gara gara gue saat nulis ini lagi ngobrol sama dia, jadi pengen posting aja, BUKAN KARENA GUE NAKSIR DIA, okeeeeeeeee! camkan apa yang kuucap hahhahahha

January 17, 2010

Kangin's Birthday

todaaaaaay, i just wanna say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPER JUNIOR KANGIIIIN! yeeeeiiiy. today is your special day, Kangin. and i just want you to know that ELF will always love you no matter what. I'd really like you to know that I will always be welcome you back with the Super Junior members on stage. we really miss seeing you on stage. we miss seeing your stupid behavior. miss see you disturbing Eunhyuk and Yesung as you did in the Super Junior - EHB. when we can see you again? I hope you get back quickly. because we always love you Kangiiiiin.

Today because Kangin birthday. ELF intentionally made Kangin as trending topics. with writing #happybdaykangin, and it managed to become number 2 trending topics successfully. yeeeeeey I was so excited!! plus, 'Kangin' without hashtack also be trending topics in the number 5. hahahha I will be love it if Kangin could see this. surely he would be happy also like Shindong at the past. heeem, we can only give it, Kangin. This gift for your birthday. we cannot give anything other than this. God bless you wherever you are, ya! Come back soon to Super Junior, Oppa. I really really miss your beautiful voice and your dance. hahaha. your voice is have a character, and... your dance, although you're not really good as Eunhyuk, but you are good too. everybody loves youuuuuuu! heheheh

be happy every moment, Kangin. Korea #1 handsome guy, Korea #1 crazy guy, hahahah. and don't forget, Korea #1 racoon guy, hahahhaha. i wish all the best for you. emuaaaaaah!

January 16, 2010

Super Junior - Mystery 6

helooooooo my friends.. haha. I want to tell. hear me ya. my laptop was back. recovered. loved it. when my father came home with a laptop, I was immediately greeted with delight! wew. and then, me and my sister immediately put the film had me waited from yesterday. you know what movie? yes, really! MYSTERY 6 SUPER JUNIOR! finally I could watch, too. after so long in neglect at home. could not watch because my dvd player somehow fitting errors when tuned this movie. hahahaha. now, I can watch! waaaah how happy my heart you know?

Mystery 6 tells about a horror story. stories of people who ever met a ghost. continued, was one of suju member, Donghae, have the same experience with ghost. this the story. almost every night, Donghae had the same dream. so when he slept at night, he wake up suddenly, his body could not mobilized, there is a push his body. what he panicked, he kept looking into the mirror that is near her bed. when he sees fit, there is woman, wearing a white dress she above his body. with black eyes! so scary! haaaaaaaaa! finally, because of stories like that from Donghae, they use CCTV in his room. CCTV was installed at all exposed and look! when Donghae sleep at night, next to the bed plasticity of a supernatural figure! wedeeeeeeh scary! when Donghae watch that CCTV video, he immediately looked shocked and it was very cute!!

the next day, suddenly when they cleaned the dorm, super junior member found a diary. may have a person who used to live in that place before. because finding the diary and read it, they have a clue why the Donghae liked to dream of such horror. starting from there, Donghae became silence, like he can not sleep. then, when they tour to thailand, not onlyDonghae be the one who haunted now. long time, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Siwon, part haunted too. hmmm, how it goes? yaaaaaaak I hope you are interested in this movie. because Donghae so cool in this movie you knooooow?? I became more love him so muccccch! hahahahaha.

though this horror film, but it's still there it's funny, too. how not? Do not forget, Super Junior is a true entertainer. so he's not just entertaining people from their cool performence on the stage, but they also like to joke! hahahaha. here, often really, because Donghae liked sad and confused because it was haunted, so the other suju members tried to console Donghae. aaaaaah so sweet. and it was hilarious haha. have seen here all their attention to each other. aaaaaa. such as at a time when Donghae drowned in a swimming pool, as Eeteuk Eunhyuk were talking. suddenly Eunhyuk see Donghae drowned. he said to Eeteuk, "hey, is that Donghae, right?" , pointing to the swimming pool. they panic. Eeteuk directly help Donghae who drowning. Eeteuk provide artificial breathing to Donghae conscious. he's a good leader, right?! :') you just have to watch this movie. This is a great movie! I say good because i like Donghae in here. ahahaha. but the others I like too, calm dooooooown, hahahah. the point is, you must watch! must! will not regret watching this.

January 14, 2010

Super Junior Exploring Human Body

heeeeey blogger! I just finished watching Suju-EHB!! hahahaha Astaghfirullah arrogant. so late I just finished watching it. when the film was already there around the year 2005 or 2006. hahaha so lame. but no problem. the important that I could see Eunhae (Eunhyuk, Donghae)!! my favorite couple member! hahahaha. oh, very cute face Donghae, I'm confused. Eunhyuk funny! but I do not think, in the movie Yesung funny I was not lying!! practically he is more talkative than when Heechul in Super Junior Full House. very different than when he was a concert. Yesung in concert looked so cool, hahaha.

but in the EHB, Donghae was not much closer to Eunhyuk. when I want to see them together. they looked funny. why do I even want to see them like that huh? like gay -,- but they look funny if like that. I just do not like it when see them separated. hahahaha.

yaaah Eunhae clay if you want both a lot, I have to watch Mini Drama or Mystery 6! I've bought dvd Mystery 6, but I have not had time to watch. if the Mini Drama, not yet purchased. my sister's friend said, in the Ambassador there's Mini Drama, but when I bought EHB and Mystery 6 yesterday, no Mini Drama. okay, sometimes I will go there and I want to try to find Mini Drama. just have to see! hahahaha xD okey, wait for the my next post when I've finished watching another dvd yaaaaaaa hahaha, bye: D

there is some photo from Super Junior Exploring Human Body. enjoy guys!

January 10, 2010

Super Junior Shindong Have A Twitter Account

do you know? Shindong have a twitter account, now! hahahaha. Elf very pleased to know that. because with twitter it, the Elf can communicate with Shindong. once asked what he was doing or just say Hi. but a little difficult to understand because Shindong use Korean language in his timeline. but, when it was Shindong had occasionally write in English. then he greeted Elf all over the world starting from Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York, Hawaii, as well as Indonesia and Jakarta! hahahaha do you know I'm very happy to read it. I hope Shindong not be disturbed if he had a lot of fans who mention him. I'm sure he will not mind or be disturbed if there is such a thing. because all the members of Super Junior were friendly. wanted to meet with members of super junior. I'm jealous of Anya and Eva in the Super Junior Full House can be very close to the super junior members. seems like a dream even when Super Junior was not too familiar. but it felt good to be friends for 3 months with Heechul, Kangin, Eunhyuk, Kibum, Siwon, Hangeng, Eeeteuk, Sungmin, and especially Donghae!

okey, go back to the topic! Shindong Twitter account! Oh ya, yesterday, Elf saw Shindong online using the web twitter. Just elf deliberately made Shindong trending topics that can directly see Shindong. and yesterday, #weloveshindong really be trending topics, although not the number 1 trending topics. but Shindong, who was then realized that he made trending topics, immediately delighted. and he wrote:

glad to see Shindong happy! I hope that time Shindong was told all members of Super Junior that he had just become trending topics on twitter. hahaha. then after that, a member of the other Super Junior instantly twitter account as well. hahahahha :D I'm really really happy hahaha. I really hope it's Shindong twitter account. not only belong to someone who just admitted as Shindong. because of the past, many twitter accounts are practically owned by members of Super Junior like Eeteuk, Kyuhyun, but it was only fake account. But if it really Shindong's account, I wanted to mention him and said ''Shindong Oppa, could you send my love to Donghae Oppa?????? and say well I'm waiting to come to Indonesia with patience..'' HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL.

please follow Shindong twitter account, click here..

January 08, 2010

iseng-iseng ;D

hey deaaaaaaaar :D kangen banget posting nih gueeee, tapi laptop gue lagi rusak nih. ini aja gue posting dari hape. aaaaah bete banget bangetan sumpah padahal banyak banget yang pengen gue ceritain sama kalian. maaf yaaaa, posting posting yang tanggal tanggal lalu akan terbit besok besok. tungguin aja yaaaaa, (hahaha,sok eksis abis gua). hehehe, gimana nih udah selesai liburan, udah masuk sekolah lagi, udah bangun pagi lagi, udah belajar lagi, ahahaha males juga ya kalo dipikir pikir. tapi ya, gara gara masij semarak tahun baru, ayo kita KEMBANGKAN SEMANGAT BARUUUUU!! hahahahaha. gue aja senin besok udah mulai remedial semester nih 5 pelajaran. ah gila banyak banget lagi, bete. baru masuk udah disuruh remedial. yaaah, sabar aja deh gueee -_-

yaaaaap, tapi udah tau gue mau remedial besok senin, gue masiiiih aja online mulu kerjaannya. walaupun laptop ga ada, tetep aja lanjut di hape kayak gini. ckckck. mana ini gue pinjem bb abang gue pula, gamau rugi pulsa ahahahaha :D hebat kan tuh siasat gue? (enggak ah,biasa aja) heeeem, udah deh gue mau offline ya, mencoba kembali pegang buku dan mari belajaaaar! hehehe, talk to you later, bloogers!

January 02, 2010


hari ini abang gue yang namanya Bang Ryan ulang tahun loooooooooh! hahahaha. selamat ya abaaaang semoga panjang umuuuuur, murah rejeki, sehat selalu, yah semua yang terbaik deh ya aku doakan. hehe. terus hari ini masa kita pesta pesta ngerayain ulang tahun abang. kita makan makan di Platinum Plaza Semanggi. ada temen temen abang jugaaaa. seru deeeeeh. hihihi. kita makan tuh sampe jam 8 malem, terus pas kita pulang, abang ama temen temennya masih di Pelangi. gatau deh tuh gamau pada pulang dulu. akhirnya pas kita pulang, taunya dia sama temen-temennya pergi lagi ke D'Best Fatmawati, pada karaokean. huuuuuuuuuu seru banget gue juga mauuuuu!! hahaha.


January 01, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!!!

pertama tama gue mau ngucapin, HAPPY NEW YEAR BLOGGER IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!! sekarang udah tanggal 01.01.10 waaaaah seru yaaaa. apa aja harapan kamu untuk satu tahun kedepan. yah gue tau pasti semuanya berharap yang terbaik lah yaaaaaa. gimana semalem New Year Eve nyaaaa? seru ga? hahaha sekarang gue mau cerita new year eve gue bareng keluarga di Puncak. yippiiiiiiiiiie!

kemaren siang tuh gue dan semuanya udah bete aja gara gara kita ga punya tujuan mau kemana buat ngerayain malam pergantian tahun, udah gitu ngeselinnya, sampe siang gitu bokap gue masih kerja. aduh kan ga enak kalo malem taun baruan di rumah doang. akhirnya tiba tiba sekitar jam 2an gitu nyokap gue sms, kita disuruh siap siap, sholat, beres beres, tapi gue gatau tuh mau kemana. akhirnya pas nyokap sama abang gue sampe dirumah, tapi bokap belom nyampe. yaudah deh tuh nungguin bokap dulu. sampe beres beres pun, gue masih gatau nih sebenernya kita tuh mau kemana sih kok ga jelas banget deh. terus nyokap bisikin gue, "udah cepet deh, kita mau nginep" gitu. dan gue langsung bersorak dalam hati. haaaaaaaahaaaaaay!! setelah semuanya siap, kita langsung berangkat deh.

dijalan, gue belom tau deh tuh kita mau nginep dimana. akhirnya yaudah deh, seperti biasa, gue tidur aja di mobil sambil nunggu nyampe kemana. pas udah sampe, sekitar jam 6 sore gitu, taunya kita nginep di Mega Mendung Permai. aaaaaaaaah itu tuh tempat gue nginep dari mulai gue umur 5 tahunan. tempatnya enak banget. familiar aja gitu gara gara udah sering kesitu. eh terusan, disitu tuh ada panggungnya gitu, ada acara ngerayain tahun baruan, plus fireworks! hiiiiiiiih seru hahha. akhirnya acara berlangsung dari jam 8 malem, sampe tengah malem. banyak banget acaranya, ada Sigma Band, terus nari nari gitu, terus games games. gue, Mbak Anti sama Adis tuh sempet ditunjuk gitu buat ikutan games, aduh malu banget dah hahhaha. terus gara gara kayaknya tuh yang paling asik cuma meja keluarga gue doang, bersorak sorak heboh sendiri, jadi kita tuh berasa eksis banget hahahha. mana meja kita tuh persis didepan panggungnya. ahahah keren ga tuh? udah gitu Abang Ryan juga sempet nyumbang lagu gitu nyanyi.. terus, dari games games yang kita ikutin, kita dapet banyak hadiah gitu. terus kita dapet door prize juga! hahaha. aaaaa seru deh pokoknya. kita dapet banyak banget hadiah. sampe pas udah countdown mau ke tahun 2010, semua disuruh berdiri, udah di bagiin terompet, terus itung mundur dari 10 sampe 1, dan................. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAAAR!!! *tooooooooooot* terompet terompet udah heboh banget dibunyiin. uwaaaah pokoknya udah seru banget deh pokoknyaaaa. terus kembang api udah bertebaran dimana mana. semuanya udah sorak sorak. terus kita make a wish juga buat tahun 2010. terus ga lupa deh kita foto foto. eh udah gitu ya, mungkin gara gara tadi terlalu heboh gitu, gelas yang ada di meja kita tuh ada yang pecah gitu, gatau gara gara apa. tiba tiba udah ada di bawah dalam keadaan pecah. haha. tapi untung ga disuruh ganti kita, hihi.

udah deh tuh habis semua hadiah kita borong, kita udah eksis banget disitu (anjir,sok abis.huahaha) kita pulang deh ke kamar. huaaaaaa capek banget you knoooow? tapi seru bangeeeet. ini malem taun baruan paling seru ya kayak walaupun kemaren pas di acara itu gue menggigil kedinginan banget! untung gue pake baju lengan panjang! HAH, POKOKNYA MENYENANGKAN BANGET! THANKS TO MOM AND DAD! :D -bigsmile-