sometimes, i feel so annoyed to be a fangirl. i want to get out from this life. i don't want to be a fangirl anymore. but i can't. i can't find the way out. nobody can help me! everyone had told me already that i should get out from this crazyness. my friends keeps telling me to leave them. but i can't get out. CANNOT. i love this life. i can't leave because i'm happy to be a fangirl.
and especially because of
THEM. i can't get out from this life. stuck in this routine. loving 15 people who doesn't know me at all. adore them with seeing their photos and their video only. screaming all the time when look at their cool performance. always put their picture as our cellphone wallpaper. can't stop smiling when our bias started to singing. keep telling our friends how funny they are although they(friends) don't understand what are funny. crying when they are look with another girls that we hate so much. spending a lot of money to watch their concert, buy their CD albums or even just a magazine which put their article. and etc.
since i was young, i always love blue. i'm really do. BLUE is my favorite colour. all of my stuff is blue. and now, i've already know why i love blue so much.
Me. I love to be a fangirl. I love to loving them with all my heart. it will stay forever as long as i live. nothing is gonna changing. although that antis or whatever, although they're (fan to fan) always arguing each other, i don't listen them. i don't care what they say. i'm not shaking. will stay here, to be an
ELF. i'm proud to be an
ELF. forever to give a big spirit for Super Junior. holding sapphire blue balloons and lightstick, always screaming their name. screaming
Park Jungsoo, Kim Heechul, Hangeng, Kim Jongwoon, Kim Youngwoon, Shin Donghee, Lee Sungmin, Lee Hyukjae, Lee Donghae, Kim Kibum, Kim Ryeowook, Cho Kyuhyun, in every part of their songs. with 2 another wonderful boys,
Zhoumi and Henry Lau. i love them in every way.
Super Junior, i'm sorry... i love you all. too much. even, i feel so sad if you have a girlfriend. i feel so angry and wanna crying when i see you with another girl. although i know it's your right. but i can't help it.. Sorry.PS: I'm really crying when i read
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